Ulmarra Heritage Trail
The Ulmarra Heritage Trail will take you on a journey through town and through time. Admire the mid-late Victorian and early Edwardian architecture and imagine life on horseback as you stroll through Coldstream and onto River Street.

Built in January 1873 and originally the residence of Samuel Cohen (Ulmarra’s first store owner, hotel licensee and Mayor). Many building alterations have occurred over the decades.
Originally built in February 1881 and opened as the Australian Joint Stock (AJS)Bank and Residence. The English Scottish and Australia (ES&A) Bank occupied the building in April 1898 before moving to a building on Coldstream Street around 1910. Since then, the building has been privately owned.
Originally opened in September 1860 as the Ulmarra Hotel, licensee Samuel Cohen sold the license in late 1872. After reconstructions, it opened as the Commercial Hotel in September 1873. The building was dismantled and rebuilt as a two-storey structure around 1912. It was signposted as the Ulmarra Hotel in January 2009.

The Exchange Hotel opened in April 1907 after the fire of March 1906 burned down the original Exchange Hotel (opened April 1876). In 1961, it was closed as a hotel and converted into flats.
The church officially opened in January 1913. The church was locally known for its Catholic School. Ulmarra Convent School commenced in a house behind the church in January 1898 and closed in 1951.
The premises first opened as Sydney Stores, in late 1906, by businessman James Retallick. Retallick’s previous Sydney Stores burned down in the March 1906 fire. A variety of businesses have since occupied the building including the Ulmarra Pioneer Dairy Co.
William Capp commenced business as a baker and confectioner in this building in June 1887.
The building was first occupied by Andrew Walz as butchery in February 1884.A secession of butchers followed, the last being the Ulmarra Pioneer Dairy Co Butchery during the 1970’s. It was also Ulmarra’s Post Office from November 2001 – June 2003.
The building opened 1935 as the Ulmarra Municipal Council Chambers.Building alterations and changes in Councils have followed. The building was first occupied by, the Rural Fire Service in February 2005.
The building was erected in October 1897 for Thomas Noud. John Noud (Thomas’ father) commenced business as a general blacksmith on the site in July 1879. The Noud family had long-term involvement in Ulmarra’s horse racing industry, with Thomas riding his first winner at the Ulmarra races May 1879.
Built around 1883, this is the only original building standing on the commercial north side of Coldstream Street. The 1928 Coldstream Street fire was stopped at this residence (an air space existed between the news agency and the residence).
The building was erected after the October 1928 Ulmarra fire. An original building on the Lot was opened by a William Geddes in March 1867, as his new Stores. Samuel Cohen took possession of the store in April 1868.
This building was originally erected by William Kinnear 1881 and used a as billiards room. In June 1888 the premises were sold with the building becoming a long-term private residence.
Built in 1882, it was originally occupied as the Ulmarra Post and Telegraph Office. Over the next century, it experienced many structural changes. It was closed as a post office in November 2001.
Built around 1880, the police residence was originally erected as Ulmarra’s Lockup and Police Quarters. In January 1882, the Courthouse opened with the Ulmarra Police Court sitting in the building.
The first Masonic Lodge meeting in this building was held in 1906. The building became known as the Picture Theatre and movies were shown weekly. Other social events such as concerts and balls were also a part of the social nature of the building.
Services in this church building commenced August 1935 and lasted until December 2010. Services in the original Methodist (Wesleyan) Church building on this Lot commenced in October 1886.
Built around 1912 as a private residence, a number of doctors occupied the building from around 1925 to 1970. This was the site of the Clarence Valley’s first sugar mill (Belmore Sugar Mill) opened in July 1869. Poor building and machinery design along with frosts saw limited quantities of sugar manufactured and in May 1885, due to financial hardship, the Mill closed and was dismantled around 1900.
This ‘new’ Church of England building, on Small Street, opened in August 1912.In April 2009, the building on the Pacific Highway was sold by public auction.
An original Butter Factory timber building was opened here in March 1892.However, this brick rendered building was constructed in 1922. It was closed asa milk-vending business (Norco) around 1993. Norco operated a farm produce business, along with other retail ventures in the buildings, until 2004. Norco sold the ‘Old’ Butter Factory buildings June 2004 to private owners. The original farm feed shed opened as the Wood Shop in 2002. The original grocery and farm produce store and office burnt down in November 2006 (now a vacant Lot).
The above information was kindly researched and supplied by Kevin Watkins.