Trek in the wilderness, canoe the rapids, explore the region’s history and camp in pristine bush along Nymboida and Mann rivers at Nymboida National Park.
If you want complete immersion in nature, Nymboida National Park gives you the chance to canoe the rapids on Nymboida and Mann rivers, 4WD into the wilderness, and camp in pristine bushland. You’ll be rewarded with views of the dramatic rock formations, excellent birdwatching opportunities, challenging white-waters, and an unbeatable feeling of being a long way from day-to-day life.
Self-reliant hikers can bushwalk and camp, while those who like to take things at a more relaxed pace can lay back and watch the white-bellied sea eagles soaring above the river. This can all be done at the very pretty campground on the bank of the Nymboida. In summer, there’s nothing better than a swim in the cool, clear waters of the river. Pick a safe spot and revel in the tranquillity of this unspoilt place.